Through my daughters I got to travel to the continent of Africa and I saw a great need for food, education and medical aid in many communities. That experience has stuck in my mind and heart to this day. And it is my desire is to change something there and make a positive impact. I excited and ready to walk in this adventure with Cultural Bridge.
Heidi, Switzerland

When I first traveled to Kenya, I immediately felt at home. And when I travelled there the second and third time I still felt at home and it is the same feeling I have today. During my time there, I saw a lot of hardship. My goal is to try my best to do something about it. Go Cultural Bridge!
Jonathan, Switzerland

As a fellow from Jesus, I love to serve. Culture Bridge is an organization which does amazing stuff in a honestly manner. It contains serving with adventure and that's why I am a part of it.
Mischa, Switzerland
We met in Herrnhut, Germany. We were both working with YWAM there. Our matching visions and plans made us became very good friends. After getting married in 2010 we went to live in Kenya and later came to Switzerland where we are now settled. We have two beautiful daughters. We are both equally founders of Cultural Bridge – Simba Verein.
Myriam & Philip Opere
Brüggmatteweg 1a, 3714 Frutigen, Switzerland - simbaverein@gmail.com
CH: +41 79 555 84 32 +41 79 792 24 10
Kenya: +254720003058